Aliran Kerja Kabel Otomotif Otomotif

- 2021-08-27-

Aliran kerja otomotifsabuk kabel

1. The automobile sabuk kabel is the main body of the automobile circuit network, and there is no automobile circuit without the sabuk kabel. The wire harness refers to the touch terminal made of copper material. After crimping with the wire and cable, the plastic pressure insulator or metal shell is added to the outside, and the wire harness is bundled to form the components of the connecting circuit.

2. Mobilsabuk kabelyaiku kabel interior mobil lan awak, ingsabuk kabelrencana saka awak menyang lampu ngarep lan mburi, ingsabuk kabel planning from the engine and the chassis to the respective ECU, and the sabuk kabel planning from the control panel to the ECU. The repair profession does not have this position, and there is a large-scale car assembly workshop. It is responsible for the planning and equipment of the bus bundle.

3. Kabel mobil uga diarani kabel tegangan rendah, sing beda karo kabel rumah tangga biasa. Kabel rumah tangga umume yaiku kabel siji-inti tembaga, sing duwe atose tartamtu. Kabel mobil iku kabeh kabel multi-inti tembaga. Sawetara tali tipis kaya rambut. Sawetara utawa malah puluhan kabel tembaga sing fleksibel dibungkus ing tabung insulasi plastik (polivinil klorida), sing alus lan ora gampang dibedhah.

4. Kanthi tambahan fungsi mobil lan panggunaan akeh katrampilan kontrol elektronik, saya akeh komponen listrik lan kabel sing saya akeh, lansabuk kabel becomes thicker and heavier. Therefore, advanced cars have introduced CAN bus equipment and selected multiple transmission systems. Compared with the traditional sabuk kabel, the multiplex transmission equipment greatly reduces the number of wires and connectors, making the wiring easier.

5. Amarga wong duwe syarat sing luwih dhuwur lan luwih dhuwur kanggo keamanan, kenyamanan lan ekonomi mobil, saya akeh alat lan fungsi listrik ing mobil, mulasabuk kabeles sing nyambung macem-macem peralatan listrik dadi saya rame. Kedadeyan umum masalah mobil ing jagad iki saya akeh saya nggatekake babagan perencanaan lan produksi mobil.

sabuk kabel